Thursday, September 28, 2006

AK2006 -- Portage Glacier

Farther down the Seward Highway AK-1 is the Portage Glacier. This one was the largest in the area, the smaller ones also being along the roadside. It got its name in 1898 because it is on a portage route between Prince William Sound and Turnagain Arm. It was also my first experience with the blue/green water common from melting glaciers where the weight of the ice has squeezed out it's o2 over time. . .

The Portage Glacier over the lake of the same name. . .

. . .closer view of the blue green glacier water. .

. . .Portage Lake looking away from the glacier. . .

. . .cloud cover the Kenai Mountains. . .

. . .this marker speaks of how plant and animal life moves into areas where glaciers have retracts. . .

. . .the obligitory “here's where you're at:” sign.