A few random pics taken along the walk from a dinner to the show
While eating at Iron Works BBQ, we saw a couple of raccoons walking down the creek trail that goes below and behind the back deck. Half an hour later, saw this one come up into the parking lot looking for a quick meal.

Not to be messed with

Looking up at the nicely lit Frost Bank Tower from Congress Avenue

Neon signs looking north down Congress Avenue. Wish more stores and whatnot maintained the old 50's style signage like Joe Korn and Son Jewelers has done

Lit up front of the Paramount and Stateside Theatres, along with a random 23 above and beyond

Paramount Theatre Historical Marker -- "Originally called the 'Majestic' this theatre was erected in 1915 by businessman Ernest Nalle (1876-1950). Designed by the Chicago architectural firm of Eberson, Fugard, and Knapp, it was constructed under the direction of local architect George Endress. During the 1930s, the theatre was renamed the "Paramount" and was lavishly remodeled. Since it's opening, the theatre has been a showcase for traveling vaudeville shows, dramatic and musical stage productions, and motion pictures." (Recorded Texas Historic Landmark 1976)

Closeup of the old style neon at the 77 year old Stateside Theatre

Stateside and the Paramount from across the street after the Nerdist Podcast Live Show

More old 50's style neon above the Kruger's Jewlers storefront