Saturday, March 3, 2012

Austin2012 -- Con Artist Squirrels

The squirrels on the Capitol Grounds apparently have little to no fear of humans and know just what to do to get a snack. We came across this one on the way back to the car

Snacking on something he found before walked up, he starred us up and down to see if we were packing something tasty
Snacking on something he found before walked up, he starred us up and down to see if we were packing something tasty



He was about 20-30 feet away at this point
He was about 20-30 feet away at this point


The Master Con Artist has recognized an opportunity
The Master Con Artist has recognized an opportunity


Step 1: Play coy and act uninterested
Step 1:  Play coy and act uninterested


Step 2: Get in their face to grab their attention
Step 2:  Get in their face to grab their attention



Step 3: Act surprised when you have your mark on the hook
Step 3:  Act surprised when you have your mark on the hook


Step 4: Come over and appear hungry and malnourished
Step 4:  Come over and appear hungry and malnourished

Be careful not to be distracted by an itch
Be careful not to be distracted by an itch

Step 5: Wait patiently while your mark breaks off a piece of whatever they now feel compelled to give you
Step 5:  Wait patiently while your mark breaks off a piece of whatever they now feel compelled to give you




Step 6: Look your mark in the eye as to will them into giving you a bigger piece of food
Step 6:  Look your mark in the eye as to will them into giving you a bigger piece of food



Step 7: Defend your mark against any other critters encroaching on your turf
Step 7:  Defend your mark against any other critters encroaching on your turf

Damn Mockingbirds
Damn Mockingbirds

Step 8: Prepare for your well deserved win
Step 8:  Prepare for your well deserved win

Step 9: Enjoy your prize
Step 9:  Enjoy your prize






Step 10: Repeat steps 1-9 until your Mark has nothing more to give
Step 10:  Repeat steps 1-9 until your Mark has nothing more to give















Bonus Step: Make sure to give your mark the creepiest look possible while they are taking pictures
Bonus Step:  Make sure to give your mark the creepiest look possible while they are taking pictures




Step 12: Dump your Mark without saying a word and being searching for a new one to mooch off of
Step 12:  Dump your Mark without saying a word and being searching for a new one to mooch off of