Friday, November 25, 2011

Caddo Parish Courthouse Christmas Lights

Walked back to the Robinson Film Center the night after Thanxgiving and found the Caddo Parish Courthouse all lit up in Christmas Lights

Some oversized ornaments in the oak trees lit up with Christmas lights
Some oversized ornaments lit up with Christmas lights


The front of the Caddo Parish Courthouse lit up with lights and fake Reindeer. Good thing there arent any hunters in Louisanna. Oh crap
The front of the Caddo Parish Courthouse lit up with lights and fake Reindeer.   Good thing there arent any hunters in Louisanna.  Oh crap





My Wife and Inlaws walking down Texas Street not noticing I had stopped to take a couple of photos
My Wife and Inlaws walking down Texas Street not noticing I had stopped to take a couple of photos
