Saturday, September 5, 2009

KEY2009 -- Key West Chickens

Feral chickens roam around Key West from back in the early days of the city. . . they are the pigeons of the island – no real fear of people, picking up food from here and there, doing their thing as the world goes by.

Don’t think they have fear of the local dogs either – saw many ‘lost dogs’ signs stuck to light poles and buildings. Coincidence? I think not. . .

What Key West really needs is a Chick-Fil-A. . .

Here chicky chicky. . . A random rooster walking behind the local Pizza Hut. . .

. . .and the rest of his family. . .

. . .digging into the flowerbed. . .

. . .taking a break. . .

. . .in downtown Key West, another chicken family relaxing under a Banyon tree. . .

. . .another random rooster in the front yard of an apartment building. . .

. . .I think this one had a nest or some kiddo chickens underneith. I got within a foot of her, and she didnt flinch. . .

. . .another random chicken family. . .

. . .heading into a Duval Street restaurant for a bite.