Saturday, February 14, 2004

Snow at Fort Marcinko

Nearly 5 inches of snow fell out at the Fort on Valentines Day 2004. Very weird, as it was a somewhat warm winter, and when this stuff comes, it usually ends up being sleet or ice or freezing rain or anything but snow. None the less, this late Winter Wonderland was the most snow accumulation in the last 25 years. Fun as it was, it was mostly gone by the end of the day.

The snow covered woodpile. . .

. . .the snow burried what little i had in my backyard. . .

. . . view across my neighbor's yard and the fields beyond. . .

. . .the bushes in front had a good 1/2 in inch at one point. . .

. . .and more in drifts. . .

. . .the obligitory foot in the snow photograph. . .

. . .across the snow covered road. . .

. . . the Grand Prix hasnt seen this much snow since Ohio in 2002. . .

. . .but it clinged to the car. . .

. . .concrete was so warm, that it melted quickly. . .

. . .the snow covered Fort. . .

. . .and the neighbor's water tower. . .

. . . and the forest behind.