Sunday, February 29, 2004

FL2004 -- Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge

By luck, we found Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge. Estalbished in 1903 by Teddy Roosevelt, it was the first national refuge in the country. Among the obvious scenic surroundings, the raised walkway across the swamp is engraved with the names and establishment dates of each of the other NWRs around the country.

National Historic Site marker. . .

. . .park marker speaking of the the birth of the National Wildlife Refuge System and the start of wildlife conservation. . .

. . .distant egrets sitting on the side of the pond. . .

. . .palm tree in the breeze. . .

. . .just a random egret looking for food in the pond. . .

. . .swampland beneith the walkway. . .

. . .the sun over the refuge. . .

. . .the actual Pelican Island.