Heading out to Mount Rainier down SH-164/Griffin Avenue, came across the Logging Legacy Memorial which commemorates the Loggers (and their animals who -- with respect -- probably did the really heavy lifting/dragging) who have died while logging in the Pacific Northwest. The Memorial was built in 2008 by a local artist named Dan Snider at a cost just north of $500,000
Marker and full memorial, with fresh mulch all about

Marker Reads: "The Logging Legacy -- Tough, Courageous and Larger Than Life. This monument is dedicated to the people whose courage and hard work built the foundation for our community, creating economic opportunity for our state and region. With this memorial, we seek to honor the over 8,000 dead and the 65,000 injured logging this plateau and these mountains. Though rarely glorified in their work, these men embodied the physical toughness and mental resolve that has become synonymous with the pioneers of the West. This is our Logging Legacy."

Full view of the bronze statues of the memorial

Looking towards the front of the memorial. The yoke of oxen are being driven to pull a large log

View from the backside of the memorial, across the beforementioned bronze log statue

Huh, that's an unfortunate angle. I always heard Oxen were actually castrated male cattle, but obviouslly not this one. I wonder if the artist had any misgivings about making the statue so anatomically accurate when it is so 'larger than life'?

Don't look at me like that. You were thinking it too.

The other Ox is apparently female

Yaw Yaw -- get along little doggies!