Way way way back
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Craig Fergerson at the Winstar
Many many many many rows back from the Winstar Conference Room stage at the Craig Fergerson Show

Turner Falls Sidetrip
On the way to see Craig Ferguson, Alicia and I took a sidetrip to enjoy some local fruit pies from the Turner Falls Overlook while we were in the area

Looking down from the Turner Falls Overlook off of US77
The 77ft waterfall was flowing heavily. But the park itself was closed for the season. All trails and buildings were eerily empty.
A fence blocks off neighboring rockfaces from local explorers
Many visitors have left their hellos on the Overlook. Most of the visible messages appeared recent. The rocks themselves have been painted grey (presumably to cover up the older messages)
One of the many many local mesquite trees hanging over the trail.
The area was also covered in cedar trees
The original trail wrapped down and around the hillside, but was blocked off from the Overlook. Many mesquite trees are now growing in the limestone cracks, effectively blocking the trail even without the fence.
Alicia coming down the walkway to join me on the lower part of the Overlook
Steps were a bit dicey
Yep, she's having fun
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Views from Airplanes -- El Paso to DFW
Heading back to DFW. With maybe 20 people on board (if that many), this flight was the emptiest I've seen any AA flight in years. Plenty of room to stretch out

Looking out the ELP airport window at the Franklin Mountains. . .
. . .and waiting for the inbound plane
An American Eagle regional jet getting ready to leave for LAX
Again looking towards the Franklins, this time from onboard our MD83 bound for DFW
Very peaceful night
El Paso 777
Sure, AA doesn't actually fly anything like this to El Paso. (Details, Details)

I wonder how many kids walk up and try to play with it.
The name of the plane is Flagship El Paso. Probably why it's not at the Amarillo airport, I'm guessing.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Views from Hotel Rooms -- Courtyard El Paso Airport
I liked this hotel overall. Sure it was next to I-10, and kind of a pain to get in and out of, and really nothing foodwise was within walking distance. But it was very clean and the staff was quite friendly. They did good.

From the third floor, a northern view of the neighboring hotel
and I-10. South El Paso and ultimately Mexico on the other side
I guess that's the laundry room next to the pool.
The moon was full and lit up the night on this trip
As was the sun the next morning.
Oh so bright
Still not sure what this little building was, but those are big vent stacks for just a storage closet
Monday, January 9, 2012
Views from Airplanes -- DFW to El Paso
Catching a quick flight to El Paso for a work trip on a rainy afternoon

Waiting for the inbound plane on a rainy day at DFW. An MD80 is pulling back from gate A-19
All's quiet
Here's our MD83
Onboard the plane, looking towards another MD80 parked next door at A-19
Sun is trying to come out, but light showers keep coming through
The brushed metal really shines after a good rain
Crap, I really have no idea what lake this is, or why I was compelled to photo it.
Best guess, Eagle Mountain Lake
Looking South from the plane. Looks like I-30 (another guess) going across the middle
Along with the rain and wind, clouds sandwiched the flight on the way out of North Texas
Random Parker County town
Somewhere past Abilene, the upper clouds broke and the lower levels filled in with the whispy variety
Between here and El Paso, the front that brought the rain to DFW, had dumped several inches of snow on the ground (not pictured)
Taxing to our gate at ELP
NASA's Boeing 377 SGT Super Guppy N941NA was parked near the cargo hangers (near center, left of lit X)
Pulling up to the gate
From the gate, looking west. There's nothing out there from basically here back to DFW
Bienvenidos a El Paso
As close as I could get to the Super Guppy from the other end of the terminal