Thursday, July 7, 2011

Goodbye USPI

Tomorrow is Friday, July 8th, 2011, the 837th and final day of my USPI Experience.

And I wanted to take a moment to say thank you and goodbye to the team.

When I made the decision to come to USPI back in March 2009, I did so purely because of the Security Opportunity I had been offered. I was particularly intrigued with the small company aspect, and how Infotech is not the primary business. Up to that point, my 12+ year career at EDS was spent supporting a variety of customers spanning seemingly just as many business lines. It was always from a large chaotic company mindset, and I was long overdue for a change in perspective.

USPI was the next logical step in my career growth based on my long term goals. And so I chose to make the leap. It has not been without it's challenges. This is true of every happenstance, everywhere. But cliché or not, if I had the option to go back and do it over, I would absolutely do it again

The reality is this. I am leaving on purely positive reasons, which (just like with my jump to USPI) are rooted solely on the opportunity I have been offered. That being a DLP / Data Loss Prevention Security Consultant for one of the smaller Security Services resellers. This technology gives a company the ability to control the dissemination of restricted confidential info, whether it be across to the internet, to a USB drive, or just to a shared server where it's not supposed to be. If deployed and maintained correctly, this solution can prevent the majority of the 'unauthorized personal information disclosures' that seem to be in the news at least once a week.

I deeply believe in this technology. It has fascinated me since being first introduced five+ years ago, and I am excited to be able to help deploy it in the environments of those customers with privacy concerns to address. (In particularly those that may have my personal info.)

Factoring in some limited travel, a close knit team, and an ability to work from home -- the decision to move on was simple. So my first day at the new job is Monday, July 11th.

I actually submitted the resignation nearly 3 weeks back. And since then, have been struggling to figure out just how to appropriately thank everybody for, well everything. The only thing I've really been able to settle on is that there's no way I would ever be able to adequately do it. It is what it is.

So in the absence of that, I can only say it like this. Thank you for the hospitality, the opportunity, the everything.

If you want to keep in touch – I would welcome it.

The best way to do it (other than email) is via Facebook or LinkedIn depending on your pleasure. I still like to keep things simple, so the below links will forward to the full profile pages.

For Facebook –
For LinkedIn –

I’m elsewhere, too if you want to find me on other sites – but primarily in these. (Everyplace else simply syncs the info down in one way or another)

For those waiting for LinkedIn Recommendations -- I know I’m behind in pending requests. Sorry. Time has been getting away from me. I’ll be catching up on those queued in the next few days and weeks. If you want to be added to the list, just send me a request through the site. And if you want to submit one for me, I certainly won’t complain.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me directly. I will also be posting any additional updates out here @

Goodbye and take care