I figure I snapped somewhere around 2000 +/- photos this year. Most in my travels. . . some around the Fort. These are ones ill remember most from 2008 pile. . .
February 28th -- Yosemite Valley from the Tunel View Overlook. . .

. . .February 28th -- Half Dome from the Merced River shoreline in Yosemite National Park. . . (This was even more peaceful to see in person). . .

. . .February 29th -- One of the many snow covered creeks near the northwest entrance of Yosemite National Park. . .

. . .March 6th -- Mocksee enjoying the rare march snow storm at Fort Marcinko. . .

. . .March 6th -- Ace enjoying the random march snow storm and doing the Mocksee's tradmarked 'nose lick' pose. . .

. . .May 3rd -- Sunset over a Wise County windmill. . .

. . .May 5th -- Dakotah still hasnt figured out what to do about cows. . .

. . .May 17th -- A stoic Bald Eagle perched on a Juneau, Alaska dock rail. (I didnt notice a the time that this bird was, well, in fact giving us the bird). . .

. . .May 17th -- Reflections of the Mendenhall Glacier north of Juneau, Alaska. . .

. . .May 18th -- The Mount Roberts Tram heading up into the fog over Juneau, Alaska. . .

. . .May 20th -- A peaceful afternoon dockside looking north up the Gastineau Channel in Juneau, Alaska. . .

. . .May 21st -- Moonrise over the cruise ship docks in Juneau, Alaska. . .

. . .May 31st -- Mocksee trying to attack the water from the gardenhose. . . (She does this everytime I get out the garden hose, or when the lawn sprinklers pop up. . . ive never had a dog so unafraid of water). . .

. . .June 20th -- The Flagship Knoxville, a restored DC-3 at the CR Smith American Airlines Museum, looking out towards the clear sky. . .

. . .July 3rd -- One of probably 1000+ fireworks shot off in the Addison Kaboomtown July 4th Fireworks Show. . .

. . .July 19th -- A random sunflower outside of NRH20. . .

. . .July 20th -- Moonrise over Fort Marcinko. . .

. . .September 20th -- The Glow Burn Show at the Plano Balloon Festival. . .

. . .September 28th -- One of the tile mosaics at the DFW Airport International Terminal. . .

. . .October 21st -- Looking west over the snow covered Boreal Forest in Northeast Alaska. . .

. . .October 21st -- Looking south towards the sunset across the Taylor Highway in Northeast Alaska. (To get this view looking down towards the cloud covered valley and the twisting highway below -- I had to perch myself off a rock outcropping about 20ft above the highway. In the 30 minutes I sat and enjoyed the show -- i spent 25 or so listening to something rustling through the brush on the ledge 20 feet further up where i couldnt get to. . . never did figure out what that was). . .

. . .October 23rd -- a snowy windless night on the Valdez, Alaska docks. . . (This is one of my alltime favorite shots). . .

. . .December 8th, 2008 -- A rare winter lightning storm over Fort Marcinko.