From the Bear Lake Road, I turned left and headed towards Trail Ridge and Fall River Roads to explore the northern side of the park further. . .
Just past the Bear Lake Road junction, a view to the southwest across Moraine Park. Back when i was here in 2000, this area had only a dusting of snow and a large herd of elk roaming through. . . this day, a foot or so of snow, and wind kicked up ground blizzards in the distance. . .

. . .a view of to the southeast, towards Longs Peak. US-36 before the switchback to Trail Ridge Road is in the foreground. . .

. . . Deer Mountain towering behind the overlook i had stopped at. I think that rock in the middle is where i wiped out in front of the herd of mule deer on the hike back in 2000. . .

. . .one of many scenic snow covered rocks. . .

. . .Longs Peak, from an overlook past the second switchback west up Trail Ridge Road. . .

. . .another erie view of the ground blizzards from the Trail Ridge Road. . .

. . . Deer Mountain from the Trail Ridge Road (near the third or fourth switchback. . .

. . . the ground blizzards somehow seemed more intense when looking down at them from the Trail Ridge Road. Flaptop Mountain is nearly visible, but it looks like all hell is breaking loose down there with the 40-50 mph winds. . .

. . .this was the both the oddest and coolest thing i saw the entire trip. . . Driving down Trail Ridge Road, in the distance is saw the wind whipping the snow around Sundance Mountain. The peak looked (somewhat) clear, as did the base. But the middle was just swirlling snow going around and around. . . And it's all just a few yards off the ground. The shape of the mountain can be easily identified, despite the wind/snowstorms. . . ive never seen anything like this before. . .

. . .the view from the Hidden Valley area. . .and a better view of the ground blizzards that were blanketing the surrounding mountains. . .

. . .another one of my favorite pics of the trip. . .the local facilities at Hidden Valley, with the ground blizzards in the background. . .

. . .another favorite pic -- a snow plow heading up the Trail Ridge Road kicking up snow up blocking the sun. . .

. . .after turning around at the end of Trail Ridge Road at Many Parks Curve. . . another view southeast towards Longs Peak. . .

. . .a northeast view towards Sheep Lakes and West Horseshoe Park. The winds nearly blew me off the side of the mountain when i got out of the car to take this pic. . .

. . .after turning on to Old Fall River Road -- a masked view of Mount Chapin. . .

. . .Bighorn Mountain beyond a restoration area near the Alluvial Fan on Old Fall River Road. . .

. . .windblown view towards the southeast from Old Fall River Road near the Endovalley picnic area. . .

. . .another view of Mount Chapin, this one from the Endovalley picnic area. . .

. . .on the way back towards West Horseshoe Park, more ground blizzards being kicked up across the open valley. . .

. . .closer view of the blowing snow. . .

. . .the birch trees on the side of Old Fall River Road. . .

. . .back at the West Horseshoe Park/Sheep Lakes area, the turnoff at the junction of the Old and New Fall River Roads. . .

. . .across the valley, the ground blizzards were more intense than the day before when the park was closed. like in other places, the sky wasnt totally blocked out --- just everything within 10 or so feet of the ground. . .

. . .farther up the road, the contrast was striking. . .all was calm. . .

. . .from Fall River Road near the North entrance of the park, the sun beyond one of the foothills. . .

. . .back at the hotel room, the sun/clouds/mountains made for some final scenic photos for the day.