Got myself into an accident on this day, the first one in 11 years. The other driver had run the red light, admited it to the police and me -- but later tried to (unsuccessfully) tried to tell my insurance company otherwise. If i had about 2 more feet, i would have been able to get around her with some swerving. Lives were saved though, regardless. Had i not swerved, i would have t-boned the other driver's van -- totaled the car, and most likely killed a prego passenger in the back. Defensive driving works. . .
Front end view of the $10,000 black eye. Even with this, i was able to drive the car home after the accident. . .

. . .closeup. . .

. . .quarter panel warped during the collison. . .

. . .impact hit the front corner of the frame, so little inside damage occured. Other than suspension pieces, the only thing under the hood that had to be replaced was a punctured battery. . .

. . .lost the bumper, headlight, and front grill. . .

. . .and the sunroof got stuck open after the impact. . .

. . .both airbags deployed -- taking out the windshield. Driving home with airbags flopping in the breeze is a good way to get attention on the highway home. . . not to mention the Brahams drive through. . .

. . .This is the intersection where it happened. The other driver claimed she had a green light after turning onto legacy from the farside service road. That wasnt how this light sequence works, and my insurance adjustor uses this intersection every day and caught the other driver in the lie. . .

. . .Other car turns onto legacy. . .

. . .but gets caught at the red just like the other driver should have been. . .

. . .this rut is from the rear tires of the other driver's van. Her axle was totaled after popping her up and over the curb. . .

. . .broken reflectors from the accident. . .

. . .debris from previous accidents also littered the corner.