Monday, March 23, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Now Ennea-Certified with GCFW/GPPA Goodness. . .
From the SANS Global Information Assurance Certification (GIAC) on March 12th, 2009:

"GIAC presents this certification to Christopher J. Marcinko who has met the necessary requirements and demonstrated a mastery of the subject matter and security skills to earn the GIAC Certified Perimeter Protection Analyst - GPPA."
Date of Certification:
March 12th, 2009
Expiration Date:
March 31st, 2021
Certificate Number:
SANS/GIAC named this certification "GIAC Certified Firewall Analyst - GCFW" prior to January, 2014
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Time to Move On -- Ive Submitted My Resignation to EDS. . . (Updated 3/7)
January 17th, 1997 was my first day of the EDS Experience. March 20th, 2009 (4,445 days later) will be my last.
I received an official offer from a local healthcare company to fill their Security Engineer opening, which I accepted. Necessary background checks are now complete, and I have been cleared for duty. My acceptance was submitted with a single caveat – being that I’d be able to give my current team two weeks notice as to allow for a seamless transition of deliverables.
Which I have of course now done.
My reasons for wanting to leave are personal, though (for the record) are not the result of any one person, situation, or corporate decree.
My reasons for actually leaving have everything to do with the Security Engineer opportunity I have been offered. This is a significant career move with growth potential, and for a stable company. What admittedly intrigues me most about the position is how the company is significantly smaller and InfoTech is not the primary business. Somewhat daunting after working so long in a company the size and expanse of ours, twelve years of doing something is what is it is. But this new perspective will only help me strengthen my skill sets, and I am very much looking forward to the prospect. It is in every sense, the next logical step in my career growth based on my long term goals, certifications to date, and overall experience.
My team will also be local, another significant benefit to me. Managers, peers, everybody in my daily duties – if not just about – will all be within walking distance. Where I have grown the most in my career, is where I have been able to directly interact with my coworkers and build upon personal relationships. Get to know somebody for who they are, not just the blind email or ‘issue of the day’ phone call. Or even just stand in the background watching and listening to how whatever problem is talked out and resolved. Such team building efforts build loyalty, promote growth and maintain effective team cohesiveness. This is something I enjoyed in the early growth days of my career. And while I am where I am at today by choice and without regret, it has been several years since I have had the chance to work in a fully face to face environment with all said benefits. And I want to return to that.
On my final day, it will have been 12 years, 2 months and 3 days since I walked into the Dallas Area Output Processing Centre for that first EDS Job as a Distribution Clerk. In reality, this was nothing more than sitting at a table and stuffing envelopes all day and (at times) all night. And for a paycut from where I was at waiting tables. But I wanted to get into something with long term potential. And it did. This ‘foot in the door’ eventually led me through the 6 total EDS positions I’ve since stepped through – and the robust Security Engineer/Architect career I have built as a result.
It is not lost on me in the slightest that I would not be here if not for the experience and people with whom I’ve worked along the way. Working at EDS has literally changed my life. I am especially proud of that, and all of the milestones I have accomplished. There have been challenges. More than a few and of many varying flavors. It was with each I grew. Successes. Failures. Those that often were somewhere in between. All were learning experiences. Each much appreciated.
If you want to keep in touch -- the best way to do it (other than email) is via Facebook or LinkedIn depending on your pleasure. I still like to keep things simple, so the below links will forward to the full profile pages.
For Facebook –
For LinkedIn –
I’m elsewhere, too if you want to find me on other social networking sites – but primarily in these. (Everyplace else simply syncs the info down in one way or another)
For those waiting for LinkedIn Recommendations -- I know I’m behind in pending requests. Sorry. Time has been getting away from me. I’ll be catching up on those queued in the next few days and weeks. If you want to be added to the list, just send me a request through the site. And if you want to submit one for me, I certainly won’t complain.
For all of those who I’ve offered assistance for their CISSP or CISA or CISM or whatever certification studding –- only my location has changed, not my offer. Feel free to contact me any time you need assistance, direction, or otherwise just want to run something by me.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me directly. I will also be posting any additional updates out here at
I thank all those people and EDS as a whole for the chances given all those years. I exit March 20th, 12 years or so older, a little smarter, very thankful, and admittedly with a little less hair.
January 17th, 1997 was my first day of the EDS Experience. March 20th, 2009 (4,445 days later) will be my last.
I received an official offer from a local healthcare company to fill their Security Engineer opening, which I accepted. Necessary background checks are now complete, and I have been cleared for duty. My acceptance was submitted with a single caveat – being that I’d be able to give my current team two weeks notice as to allow for a seamless transition of deliverables.
Which I have of course now done.
My reasons for wanting to leave are personal, though (for the record) are not the result of any one person, situation, or corporate decree.
My reasons for actually leaving have everything to do with the Security Engineer opportunity I have been offered. This is a significant career move with growth potential, and for a stable company. What admittedly intrigues me most about the position is how the company is significantly smaller and InfoTech is not the primary business. Somewhat daunting after working so long in a company the size and expanse of ours, twelve years of doing something is what is it is. But this new perspective will only help me strengthen my skill sets, and I am very much looking forward to the prospect. It is in every sense, the next logical step in my career growth based on my long term goals, certifications to date, and overall experience.
My team will also be local, another significant benefit to me. Managers, peers, everybody in my daily duties – if not just about – will all be within walking distance. Where I have grown the most in my career, is where I have been able to directly interact with my coworkers and build upon personal relationships. Get to know somebody for who they are, not just the blind email or ‘issue of the day’ phone call. Or even just stand in the background watching and listening to how whatever problem is talked out and resolved. Such team building efforts build loyalty, promote growth and maintain effective team cohesiveness. This is something I enjoyed in the early growth days of my career. And while I am where I am at today by choice and without regret, it has been several years since I have had the chance to work in a fully face to face environment with all said benefits. And I want to return to that.
On my final day, it will have been 12 years, 2 months and 3 days since I walked into the Dallas Area Output Processing Centre for that first EDS Job as a Distribution Clerk. In reality, this was nothing more than sitting at a table and stuffing envelopes all day and (at times) all night. And for a paycut from where I was at waiting tables. But I wanted to get into something with long term potential. And it did. This ‘foot in the door’ eventually led me through the 6 total EDS positions I’ve since stepped through – and the robust Security Engineer/Architect career I have built as a result.
It is not lost on me in the slightest that I would not be here if not for the experience and people with whom I’ve worked along the way. Working at EDS has literally changed my life. I am especially proud of that, and all of the milestones I have accomplished. There have been challenges. More than a few and of many varying flavors. It was with each I grew. Successes. Failures. Those that often were somewhere in between. All were learning experiences. Each much appreciated.
If you want to keep in touch -- the best way to do it (other than email) is via Facebook or LinkedIn depending on your pleasure. I still like to keep things simple, so the below links will forward to the full profile pages.
For Facebook –
For LinkedIn –
I’m elsewhere, too if you want to find me on other social networking sites – but primarily in these. (Everyplace else simply syncs the info down in one way or another)
For those waiting for LinkedIn Recommendations -- I know I’m behind in pending requests. Sorry. Time has been getting away from me. I’ll be catching up on those queued in the next few days and weeks. If you want to be added to the list, just send me a request through the site. And if you want to submit one for me, I certainly won’t complain.
For all of those who I’ve offered assistance for their CISSP or CISA or CISM or whatever certification studding –- only my location has changed, not my offer. Feel free to contact me any time you need assistance, direction, or otherwise just want to run something by me.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me directly. I will also be posting any additional updates out here at
I thank all those people and EDS as a whole for the chances given all those years. I exit March 20th, 12 years or so older, a little smarter, very thankful, and admittedly with a little less hair.